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Our Story

One Oh!Good story

First, what is Oh!Good?
Oh!Good is the new way of eating, suitable for every lifestyle. We've created wholesome, delicious and all-vegan protein products that are convenient to eat anytime, anywhere.

Here's how it all started.
Nowadays, long and tiring days often lead to a lack of opportunity to eat healthy and we resort to junk food - packaged foods, sandwiches, snacks, sweets. In most cases, these are foods that probably taste good but don't supply our bodies with the nutrients we need to feel energetic and healthy.

Motivated to find a solution for all of us to live more fully, we worked for over a year to develop our Oh!Good products. You can count on us to have researched and worked with only the highest quality ingredients, and our formulas are specially developed by food technologists with over 15 years of industry experience. So, after a year of sampling, tasting and refining down to the smallest detail, we're proud and confident to say that our products will help you feel Oh!Good every day.

Here we are - united around a mission to make healthy eating easier and more accessible, we've created products that are wholesome, quick to prepare and convenient to consume at any time and in any situation.


Good for the body, good for our nature

Our products are 100% vegan and are developed with special balanced formulas by food technologists with two years of experience in a certified factory. Our products feature high quality ingredients, balanced nutritional composition and great taste.

And why vegan? Because besides us, we have to take care of nature. We are aware that you will not switch to a plant-based diet in one day. If you replace even just some of your meals with vegan alternatives, it will go a long way in reducing the carbon footprint of the food industry. It will also positively affect your health and reduce the chances of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and more.

Complete and delicious nutrition
Продуктите на Oh!Good съдържат пълноценен баланс от растителни протеини, въглехидрати, полезни мазнини, фибри, 27 витамини и минерали и добавен български пробиотик. 

And why Oh!Good? The inspiration for the brand's name came from the natural reaction of every person when they taste something delicious and say "ooh, it's really good!". This gave the direction for our mission, which is to create products that are not only wholesome and healthy, but also delicious.

We promise that our products will help you feel Oh!Good every day. Take a step towards a more fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle!OhGoodTeam2


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